Some of the most powerful times I’ve experienced are when two Jesus followers are together on a common cause. Some of the least satisfying times I’ve experienced are when two Jesus followers are together on a common cause.
That’s not double talk.
It has nothing to do with the level of faith; it has everything to do with the level of endurance. For some reason we tend to believe that the things of what we call Christianity should come automatically, e.g., we pray, we get. We are shocked when something different occurs (“why won’t God give me, allow me, help me… I’m doing what HE wants!”).
Take a peek at James 2. A little tidbit there states:
when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
There is n-o-t-h-i-n-g that can’t be accomplished, regardless of the severity, difficulty or impossibility — IF you simply are patient, endure, for the time necessary. That is actually a fruit of the Spirit, which means it comes from God and has the power of heaven behind it.
But it is your option to take it / use it. If you do, your “1” = 1; if not, your “1” = 0. And everything will be determined by the quotient of your equation.