I just finished a wonderful visit with my daughter, son-in-law and grandkids 🙂 My daughter doesn’t know it yet, but we’re going to sneak back out there and kidnap all the grandkids, bring them to North Carolina and spoil them like crazy!
That’s the good news.
The bad news was that when you travel to the foreign country of Washington state, you have to spend 18 hours in the air and in the airports. We were up before 5:00 a.m. and at the airport by 6:30.
We were delayed almost two hours leaving Seattle because New York might have some bad weather later in the day. [They didn’t]
We were delayed three hours in New York because we might have some bad weather in Raleigh. [There wasn’t any]
Quandary: you arrive at the airport after midnight, you have a two hour drive to Wilmington; do you spend the night and head out the next day, or do you tough it out for your own bed? My bed was calling me loudly! So, tanked up on soda and sugar, we bravely set out for home.
My queen quickly “gave up the ghost,” with an occasional “You’re not sleeping are you?” (considering the ramifications of an affirmative answer really is scary). I cranked up a great oldies station and rocked all the way to the Wilmington city limits.
Then it hit me!
I sincerely despaired of being able to complete the drive home from Market Street to Monkey Junction. It was as though I was drugged!
But, my trusty steed knows the way home and carried us safely there. When I entered my house, I heard my bed screaming with glee, “He’s home!”
I just love my bed!