Today I’m heading out highway BR116 to the north side of Fortaleza to see a really big tent.
The Central Baptist Church of Fortaleza meets in a teflon tent, not a building, and has over 3,500 folks in attendance in their Sunday worship services.
That is a BIG tent!
My “chance” encounter with Arimar’s uncle in Atlanta on Sunday is raising it’s intriguing head again. With him was his son-in-law who actually was responsible for the framing that serves as the base of this tent.
I’m sure that “coincidence” encounter is going to keep coming up during this trip.
Pastor Márcio is picking us up and we’ll spend the day talking shop and exploring possible joint ventures for the work in Ubaúna.
As Ed Sullivan might say, this could be a “really big shew!”
[If you don’t know who Ed Sullivan is, goggle him!]