I talked with Áudrey last night on the phone.Their belongings still have not arrived and they don’t have any firm information as to when they will arrive. They are literally living out of their suitcase. They have no furniture, no cooking utensils, none of the things that are necessary for your day to day living. Additionally, Andréia’s transfer from the university in Brasilia to the one in Sobral has run into problems. This means that she will have to sit out an entire year before she can continue with her studies.
This is trying on them and threatening them with discouragement before they even get started. Having nothing to begin the work with and playing a waiting game is fraying their nerves. While on the phone with them they requested prayers.
Them being in Ubaúna is nothing short of the power of God overcoming the power of the Evil One. I want to ask that you lift them up with faith over the next several days, asking God to allow this work to hit the ground running.
Thanks for your participation!