Gastronomically, the northeastern diet is quite interesting.
Today we had “feijoada.” Yum, yum. Black beans, pig tails, pig feet, pig ears, sausage poured over rice and collards. Orange slices on the side, roasted cassava root in garlic and all the Guarana you can drink. Dang! It just doesn’t get much better than this!
Feijoada is a traditional northeastern Brasil staple. Normally served only on Saturdays and antecipated by everyone, it fills you to the gills, makes you search for a hammock and enter sleepyland. Ocean breeze, a bit of warmth to the air and off you go, cutting logs as though you were a saw mill.
Feijoada is much like hot dogs and apple pie in the U.S. When you don’t have access to it, it’s like a slice of heaven when you get to indulge. And indulge I did!
Beeelch! Pardon me!