Living from the unseen

Who I am
My kids call me “dad;” my grandkids call me “vovô” (Portuguese for “granddaddy”); my parents call me because they love me; my wife calls me whenever (and whatever) she wants and I’m happy when she does. My wife is my queen and I’m ecstatic that she is!
A baby boomer from the South with green and yellow blood from my adopted homeland of Brazil, I’m reveling in the wonders of aging while discovering places in my anatomy that ache without explanation (kidnapped by aliens?). Choices are far more intentional and the acquisition of wisdom is readily embraced, even with the consequences of the acquisition process.
I am a citizen of the unseen realm, living in the seen, anticipating the arrival of a kingdom that confounds.

What I do
I wear many hats; for one who has always eschewed the use of headgear, that is quite a statement!
I am a traditional naturopath and medical director of Wellness Therapies, The Green Pharmacy, and WellBrella. I am the pastor of The Message Church and the founder of Gospel for Brazil. I am one of the founders, board members and hands-on participant in Bethany Services and the husband of my fantastic wife of almost 30 years.
Together with my wife, I serve (partially honorary and partially real) as the senior pastor of Refúgio de Graça in Fortaleza, Brazil, and as the mentor to Brazilian church leaders in multiple Brazilian states.
And though my kids live all over the North American continent, I’m the proud granddaddy of 11 incredible grandkids (yes, that’s a lot!).

Why I do it
Ah! This is the underlying premise for the existence of this blog and all the ruminations that spring from it. In a day and time where we dumb things down to a so-called “simple” yes or no, I embrace the role of a wordsmith who weaves (hopefully) an intriguing and inviting tale that opens up the realm of the unseen to eyes that might not be naturally inclined in that direction.