Ever woke up in an agitated state?
I don’t, or at least not too often. Today I did, but it wasn’t a typical “agitated state.” Something about it was different. The funny thing about “different” is that it can be good or it can be bad. My dilemma has been to make that determination.
There seems to be a strong spiritual component to it. I’ve been inundated with friends and individuals struggling through “situations.” I have no magic words to make it all better. The day is winding down, and I’m still in that state. I don’t care for days like today, but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that they exist to make me stronger and to get me ready. Ready for what, I’m not sure, but honing me like rubbing metal against metal.
I ran across this the other day: Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along his path. [Psalms 37:34]. Seems to be good counsel to follow, especially today.