How do you go about doing what seems to be the impossible?
That was the question that burned on my mind after I had experienced this. My immediate was response, “a church, here? Me? Com’ on, give me a break.”
From that less-than-exciting beginning, the ball began to roll.
Now, five years and nine trips later, there is a church, pastor, members, activities and hope. As a friend of mine who has a ministry in Brazil is prone to say, “praise Jesus!” The interesting thing, however, is that this whole adventure has just begun. It appears it is now time for the “good stuff” to be unfurled.
We’re headed back down in a week for one of the most intensive strategic planning sessions that we’ve ever done. What is really neat is that these planning sessions will include four pastors and layworkers from Ubaúna. I’ll honestly admit that I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to include the terms “planning sessions,” “pastors,” “layworkers” and “Ubaúna” in one sentence. It does sorta mess with my head, in a good way.
We’ve been blessed to have the active participation of two churches, Southside and Lifepoint. By “active” participation I mean that they give us the much need green stuff we call currency (thank you, thank you!) AND they get their hands dirty by actually going to Brazil, taking part in gathering clothes, teaching materials, sponsoring hungry children, praying. I’ve found that the impossible is a whole lot easier to do if you have other folks who stand behind you and beside you.
Both churches are sending contingents with us next week. In fact, several of them have already been before. That either means they are excited about what God is doing there or they are several bricks shy of a full load. In the case of some of them, both might be true!
I’m going to try to make several posts during the week of some of the interesting things that are happening and are about to happen. This might allow you to peek behind the curtain at some of the activities we’ll be engaged in next week.
And, just a side note, if you are really into the adventures of this trip, follow me on Twitter and Facebook. I can make quick updates there that I can’t do via computer. You do have to subscribe to both services, but it is free.