What would you carry with you when you go to Brasil?
Hmmm… let’s see…
I’ve got one Fender electric guitar, brand new, and I don’t even know how to play
I have two computers. Actually I have two hands, so it kinda makes sense
I’ve got lots of clothes for little kids. In fact, I have very little room for clothes for me.
I have an old “gringo” who can’t speak Portuguese
I’ve got enough underwear for 8 days but only 2 pair of pants and 5 shirts
A Yuengling University baseball cap. I didn’t know that Yuengling was a type of beer. Every missionary needs to be wearing a beer cap!
I always pack a TIM sim card for my phone. TIM is the Brasilian equivalent of Verizon or Cingular. AT&T charges me $3 per nano-second if I use their sim chip while in Brasil. Just for the record, I have a São Paulo registered cell phone number.
And, finally, I have a bag of chocolate-mint flavored, activated, microfine charcoal — I don’t leave home without it!