Or is it that another fizzled day has become paradise?
Life has been tough these last few weeks . . .
You know the feeling: overloaded to the point of exploding, short with those closest to you, lack of sleep, brain fog, loss of joy from simple things, lack of focus, and the “W” word begins creeping in [worry].
Poor littl’ ol’ me.
Then Keshia comes in.
Keshia is a terminal cancer patient sent home to die. On their first visit two weeks ago, I asked her and her two siblings who’d brought her in was how their faith was. They said they believed Jesus could do anything. I encouraged them to enlist folks who believed in prayer to fervently begin praying for Keshia.
Now they were back. And Keshia was worse. Yet, when they left, brother and sister were crying and Keshia was smiling.
What happened?
I was able to give them encouraging news — that alone makes a bad week good — but, more importantly, they ran into Jesus sitting in my office. This is always the cool part. I never plan it, it just happens. You see, I became Jesus for them, or better, Jesus worked through me to address and minister to them. Their fears, concerns and hopes were all addressed. And Keshia, whose siblings said is often “not present” mentally because of the tumor, sat up straight in her wheel chair and said, “well, what are we waiting for, let’s get to exercising!”
Keshia had refused to do anymore physical therapy and just wanted to die. I told her that she needed the exercise and muscle toning. Now here she was, alert and interesting in resuming life. At that point her brother almost lost it. Her sister looked at me with the biggest, round eyes that asked, “what in the world just happened?” And Keshia just smiled.
Yep, things have been tough these last couple of weeks, but Keshia reminded me that El Shaddai is still running the show!