I’m sorry that I am saying I’m sorry again, but, I am (sorry, that is).
I’m sorry if you’re reading this and were not at Lifepoint today (Sunday). I keep expecting there to be a really lousy, flat, noninspiring service. But, the string runs undaunted and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.
You’ve got to understand. This is phenomenal to me. For so many decades I was a professional Christian — you know that disclaimer you often see on tv: “This is being done by professionals. Do not attempt it at home.” That was me. Christianity wasn’t for the lay folk; you had to have many years of training to properly pull it off. “Worship” was anything but worship. “Church” was something you “did” on Sundays and Wednesdays. You didn’t really go to a church service and expect anything to happen.
Then I was “Lifepointed.” Boom! Just like that! Caught looking the other way and became a spiritual drive-by “victim.”
Now, we don’t do wacky, weird, woo-woo stuff. We simply “get down” to the business of true worship. The worship team puts tons of effort into setting the stage for opening heaven’s windows; the creative team preps the enviroment so the Spirit can flow without being hindered; the hospitality, welcome, greeting, parking, setup and kid’s teams do the unseen stuff to make the enviroment appealing. Then it happens . . .
This isn’t a “young people’s” church. We old geezers rule! Bankers, accountants, lawyers, dentists, financial planners, professional people, crank up their arms in wild abandon praising the Jesus Lord. Mild mannered, suit dressing, who-would-have-thought-it people, hands held high, heads thrown back, rocking to the music and soaking up the face time with the Creator.
Yeah, we’ve got some of the younger crowd hanging around. Shucks, pastor Jeff looks like he’s only 17 years old. They are rather flabbergasted that us “old folks” are so “into it.” We know how badly we’ve screwed up and are astounded that the Jesus Lord runs to embrace us. So we hug back! Those young whippersnappers are still wet behind the ears and don’t have all the years (and mistakes) under their belts to fully appreciate the mercy He shows us.
Today was no different. It was totally different. If you read this and live in Wilmington, check us out on Christmas Eve. I proomise you it won’t be what you expect — it’ll be better!