Our “kill” count officially stands at the following level:
–Tarantulas less than 3″ in diameter — 3
–Tarantulas greater than 6″ in diameter — 2
–Spiders other than Tarantulas with a diameter less than 3″ — 3
–Little 1″ frogs — 49
–Frogs 3-5″ in diameter — 7
–Frogs over 12″ in diameter (that is not a typo!) — 0 (he was too fast!)
–Miscellaneous insects — 247
The excessive screaming on the part of the team members has dropped to tolerable levels when these visitors are encountered. I´m now the lead assassin of the varmits since I´m always called first to come and check out everyone´s living space when we get back to the farmhouse each night.
I think my new theme song might become “Killing them softly with his words.”