I’ve had several folks ask me just what the picture is on the header of this blog.
If you’ve followed these meanderings at all, you’ve heard reference to “Ubaúna.” Ubaúna is a small village in the desert interior of the northeastern state of Ceará, Brazil. It is where the activities of Gospel for Brazil had their beginnings and from whence our current church planting activities stem.
The photo is a shot of the village from approximately a mile away. It was taken from a farmhouse that has been used on multiple occasions to house the short-term missions participants who’ve gone into this region. For the alumni of some of these trips who have stayed at “the farmhouse,” the accommodations alone made the value of the trip fall into the “priceless” category. The fame of the farmhouse has grown to mythic proportions within the lore of GFB.
That the shot was taken from the farmhouse, makes the panorama even more delightful.
One day I’ll change the header photo, but it represents so much (to me) that I haven’t overcome the nostalgia in order to replace it.
So there you have it… the story behind the picture.