We rolled back into civilization around 4:00 this afternoon. This was one wild trip! How do I describe the undescrible quickly? Several words come immediately to mind: heat (hard core) humidity (very oppressive) children (lots and lots of them) life transformations (19 baptisms, total conversions around 60) attacks by demons (unsettling) intense relationships (unbreakable friendships […]
Going dark
Jeff introduced me to a new term that is quite appropriate for today…”going dark.” The term is an expression used by the hero of the hit television show “24” whenever he is going where he won’t have access to telephone, computer, electronic communications, etc. We are “going dark” in about 30 minutes. The bus has […]
We’ve been downtown!
The Americans have now been officially “baptized” into the Brasilian culture — they’ve experienced the fascinating world of downtown Fortaleza! Not something for the faint of heart, you are inudated with sights, sounds, people, and more people. It comes at you like large waves on the beach, hitting you one after the other. Our “troopers” […]
We’ve been downtown!
The Americans have now been officially “baptized” into the Brasilian culture — they’ve experienced the fascinating world of downtown Fortaleza! Not something for the faint of heart, you are inudated with sights, sounds, people, and more people. It comes at you like large waves on the beach, hitting you one after the other. Our “troopers” […]
Sleep is good!
I like to sleep. Last night sleep was almost sensual! By late afternoon yesterday I was a walking zombie, today I feel like a new person. Amazing what closing your eyes for a couples of hours will do . . . ok, so it wasn’t a “couple” of hours, maybe twelve. Everybody is up and […]