Three days until the cold front that is supposed to be our first real blast of winter arrives. Highs in the upper 30’s. Brrrr. Same day, different perspective. Plane heading south to a tropical climate. Nice. Two days later we’re in the desert. Hot, really hot. Not nice. My wife and I and our motley […]
Another day in paradise fizzles out
Or is it that another fizzled day has become paradise? Life has been tough these last few weeks . . . You know the feeling: overloaded to the point of exploding, short with those closest to you, lack of sleep, brain fog, loss of joy from simple things, lack of focus, and the “W” word […]
Life in the smoothie lane . . .
Aaah, the efficiency of the system . . . Tech support: “Hello, how may we help you?” Me: “We’re having a problem running a credit card transaction.” Tech support: “And you are calling because . . .?” Me: “We can’t charge a customer who is trying to pay us!” Tech support: “Have you tried running […]
Drink up!
It’s actually happened . . . Ranking right up there with the government coming clean on Roswell and Area 51, Ted Kennedy confessing that he’s been deceiving the American people for decades and the revelation that Elvis really is alive and living in a trailor park in Arizona, the day I thought would never see […]
One hot mama!
You’ve heard of Peyton Place, Dallas and Desperate Housewives, right? Wild things happening. Stuff we laugh about, saying it isn’t reality. How about the 90 year old wife of a foreign dignitary being taken as the wife of a President of another country. Not for show, but for sex! And, her husband encouraging this activity so […]