There are times when you just know you did something right . . . I have (helped create?) a fabulous daughter. She hides between her other two siblings as the middle child, but that is really a ruse. She shines brightly and puts to shame the “middle child” label. She excels at so many different things […]
Day #2
Ok, we’re two days into a new year. Done anything significant yet? Day 1 brought to mind an interesting, and perplexing, thought that sprung from yesterday’s reading in The One Year Bible: why did God make us? So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male […]
With less than 15 days before heading for Brasil, we are needing clothes and funds for food for the children we will be working with. If you could help, please respond to this or drop me a note at
What are they thinking?
Ninety-one percent? Ninety-one percent? Are they crazy? The Brasilian congress recently voted themselves a pay raise of 91%. The judicial branch came back and said they couldn’t do that. But it took them more than two weeks to declare the pay raise illegal (duh!) I’m curious as to what these “representatives of the people” were […]
Scalded dog
We used to have a dog that hated the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve . . . She was terrified of loud sounds. Fireworks drove her into a frenzy. She would always run for our bed, dive under it and lie there trembling until the noise stopped. That usually meant that she would […]