Remember the song, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas?” I guess the question is really kinda stupid because it, along with so many others, has played nonstop over the last few weeks. In fact, driving back from my folk’s house tonight, every single radio station was playing Christmas music, and I commented to my bride: […]
Skip, Boliva and Life
Doing life can really get interesting, can’t it? It dawned on me today that my age and birth year were the same since the passing of my birthday recently. As I shared this insight with my wife, we noted that she has another 12 years to go before she crosses the same threshold. Then I […]
Folding Cafeteria Tables and Church
Do you know what this is? Let me give you a clue: it is NOT children happily eating at a school cafeteria table. Give up? It is children sitting on the lap of a BEAST! Why would I make such an outlandish statement? Because I wrestled this beast and 19 of his kin this morning. In […]
Be unreasonable
I shared and viewed the sufferings of many fellow prisoners in an underground Communist prison. What intrigued us the most was that we did not obtain from heaven what it was obviously reasonable to expect: a slight improvement in our situation, food to quiet our hunger, and abatement of our cruel torture. We did not […]
White rocks
I’ve been thinking, and reading . . . I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it. –Revelation 2:17 This has been a rough month — shucks, it’s been a rough year, especially the last […]