Another trip is about to happen! A team of six will leave for Ubaúna, Ceará on the 17th of January. This will be a full, active trip. We will be emphasizing the kids we’ve registered in the Paxólas area of Ubaúna. We have classes, clothing and food distributions, community activities and nightly evangelistic meetings planned. […]
The value of pushing heavy boxes on wheels around
I’m on the setup team. I do church at a church in a box. That means every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. we pull up with two trailers full of equipment to a middle school and transform it into a church in less than two hours. Really quite fascinating. We roll large (and some quite heavy) 5×8 boxes […]
Another Myrtle Grove Sunday
I’m sorry that I am saying I’m sorry again, but, I am (sorry, that is). I’m sorry if you’re reading this and were not at Lifepoint today (Sunday). I keep expecting there to be a really lousy, flat, noninspiring service. But, the string runs undaunted and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. You’ve […]
FIFO, FCFS and up yours!
F.I.F.O. is an acronym for First In First Out. It describes the principle of F.C.F.S. or First Come, First Served. What comes in first is handled first, what comes in next waits until the first is finished, and so on. Another way of looking at it is “queueing” or “standing in line,” where someone or […]
Seja bem vindo to the world of G(i)FB(o)!
Welcome to G(i)FB(o)! Just what is a G(i)FB(o)? It is pronounced as Gif-Bo and it stands for GFB or Gospel for Brazil. GFB exists to evangelize northeastern Brasil (and yes, “Brasil” is spelled with an “s,” not a “z”), particularly the state of Ceará. For indepth info on the organization, check out our web page. […]