I was helping our exec pastor Daryl last night empty a swimming pool. Sunday night, going on 10 p.m. and there we stood, looking at slightly green water being sucked up by a sump pump. Looking rather pitiful, losing its air, collapsing in on itself, and that interesting green color. Hose snaking across the gymnasium […]
The Top 5 Atheist Holiday Songs
5. Grandma Got Run Over By a Train, Dear 4. Whose Kid is This? 3. O Stoli Night 2. Amway — I’m a Manager and the Number 1 Atheist Holiday Song… 1. Got Breasts, Ye Merry Gentlemen?
Death to the cockroach kingdom!
Have you ever almost stepped on a cockroach and then it runs over your bare foot? I hate it when that happens! Sheesh! Took some trash out to the garage where I’d stashed a big garbage bag with trash three days ago (ahem . . . my wife is traveling and, like the typical male, […]
I dreamed about me, but it wasn’t. Or was it?
Do you ever have strange dreams? I do . . . In this early morning’s dream I met a woman whose last name was the same as mine. As I commented on the name, she introduced me to her husband and his last name was identical to mine. It was an odd sensation because all of […]
My mama told me there’d be days like this
U.S. Aims to Ban iPod Sales to North Korea WASHINGTON (Nov. 29) – In a novel effort targeting the lifestyle of North Korea’s eccentric president, the Bush administration wants to make it tougher for him to buy iPods, plasma televisions, Segway electric scooters and more. Yep! There you go! Our state department has finally hit […]