Today in Brasil is a holiday. Pleasant little name: “Day of the Dead.” Sounds like a horror movie, doesn´t it? But, it is a real holiday. Everybody tries to do nice things for the spirits of the dead so the spirits don´t do evil things to them. Trick or treat anyone?! How do you do […]
Jet Lag — an alternated state of mind
Ever been on an airplane for a really long time? I just got off a flight that qualified. Raleigh to Miami, then Miami to the middle of the Amazon jungle — Manaus. Hot, steamy, and after an all night flight, generally sticky enough to be glued to my seat like I was velcro. Then to […]
Jet Lag — an alternated state of mind
Ever been on an airplane for a really long time? I just got off a flight that qualified. Raleigh to Miami, then Miami to the middle of the Amazon jungle — Manaus. Hot, steamy, and after an all night flight, generally sticky enough to be glued to my seat like I was velcro. Then to […]
Jack be HumptyDumpty nimble, quick!
Drats! All I want is one trip to Brasil that goes as smooth as glass. Just one. Do you suppose that is too much to ask? I mean, getting up at 4:00 a.m., driving 2 hours to Raleigh, sitting in the airport in Miami for 6+ hours. Isn’t that a decent sacrifice? I guess not […]
Into the wild blue yonder
By the time you’re reading this I’ll be at 35,000 feet and moving at 600+ mph. Off we go 5,000 miles to the south with a really long day ahead of us. We’re on our way to Brasil . . . Ubaúna, Ceará, northeastern Brasil, to be more correct. Latitude 3° 43′ 60S, longitude 40° […]