Hot dogs . . . Does it get any more American than hot dogs? Mom, apple pie, baseball and hot dogs — the essence of the good ol’ U.S. of A. Mom, apple pie and baseball are what they are. Hot dogs, on the other hand, are usually not what they pretend to be. It’s […]
Introducing G(i)FB(o)
Sounds like I’ve been leaning too heavily on the eggnog bowel, huh? G(i)FB(o) is how we pronouce “GFB .” So, why would we even want to try to pronouce “GFB?” Glad you asked! GFB is “Gospel for Brazil,” a non-profit organization that we’ve established to advance the work of the church in northerneastern Brasil, particularly […]
Getting naked with God
Being naked gives a giddy sense of freedom, doesn’t it? Have you ever been naked in a place that you normally wouldn’t be naked? It can be such a delicious sensation (and it can potentially be rather embarrassing!). Though not all of us have bodies that we would want to display in all of its […]
A real pain in the . . . leg
ru·mi·na·tions: Latin ruminatus, past participle of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, from rumin-, rumen rumen; perhaps akin to Sanskrit romantha act of chewing the cud I woke up the other day and my leg hurt . . . It felt like I’d hit something hard but there was no bruise. It felt like […]
The Quickening – the process of becoming who I’ve always been, and just didn’t know it.
Sometimes the obvious is just so obvious that it’s not . . . I’ve heard that men are less attuned to themselves than are females. From my personal experience I think that would probably be rather true; that is, its something I know is true, but that I’m loathe admitting in the presence of my […]