Remember ol’ Gomer Pyle? Gooooollly. Incredulity, amazement, astonishment, wonder. That was the expression that came across my mind today as I sat with a patient. An intelligent, 30-something, successful banker. Married with a lovely family. Everything going for him. Enviable, really . . . You’d never guess the first words out of his mouth . […]
Compressed cabin air
ru·mi·na·tions: Latin ruminatus, past participle of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, from rumin-, rumen rumen; perhaps akin to Sanskrit romantha act of chewing the cud Isn’t life interesting . . . I’ve been blessed with three children. I’m proud of them all. But, the closest one to me at the moment is a […]
Getting old, and God
ru·mi·na·tions: Latin ruminatus, past participle of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, from rumin-, rumen rumen; perhaps akin to Sanskrit romantha act of chewing the cud I woke up this morning with a thought . . . I’ve become “old.” I don’t think of myself as old. The person in the mirror who looks […]