Does the weather know this is now September? How can it be so hot? It’s nice having our son around for a few days before he heads back to Iraq I’m proud of my Lifepoint setup crew! Life change is neat. Watching folks push the “faith” envelope in Starting Point has been exciting. I think […]
Found five bucks
Stopped at a gas station. Went in to pay and saw a five dollar bill on the sidewalk. Immediately I thought that this was a gag, or was one of those religious tracts printed to look like half of a five dollar bill but when you pick it up it says I really need Jesus, […]
Death = Life?
The other day I reached down to pick up something and a bug jumped on my hand. I just about broke my arm as I wildly slung it around like a feather caught in a tornado! Funny thing was, there was no bug. It was a piece of dark lint. Did I ever feel stupid, not […]
It is interesting how we are able to read passages like 1 Peter 5:8-9 (Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.) and think that either we are immune from it […]
Mondays are tough, even when they fall on Tuesdays…