We stopped at a roadside veggie stand yesterday and picked up a watermelon, a bag of boiled peanuts, a tomato and two pounds of purple hull peas. The peanuts and tomato have already left their earthly existence and will shortly be reborn in another form. With only half of a watermelon remaining, I’m confident that […]
Sunday Ruminations
I love Sundays that are followed by a holiday on Mondays There’s no way my oldest daughter turned 29 yesterday I love it when people are hungry for Kingdom things! Late night Saturday posts are read by more people than I anticipated. I can’t seem to get over Ephesians 1:18-20. My Starting Point class got […]
Late Saturday Night Posts
I’ve noticed that if I want to say something, but really don’t want people to see that I’ve said it, I need to post it on Saturday night. The stats go down on the weekend, Saturday night is a dead zone, and often the post is totally ignored. So, knowing the parameters, and after a […]
I wonder where I left my pen?
I don’t remember ever having so many “ah ha” moments as I’ve been experiencing recently. I distinctly remember hearing that as you get older you become less mentally astute. I can atest that, as I’ve stood in the middle of a room desperately trying to remember why in the world I came into the room, […]
Setting myself on fire
I sat with a group of men yesterday morning. We talked. We prayed. We burned… John Wesley said: “I just set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” That was the sentiment wafting around the room yesterday. What do we have to do to set ourselves on fire? If God is about […]