Some of the most powerful times I’ve experienced are when two Jesus followers are together on a common cause. Some of the least satisfying times I’ve experienced are when two Jesus followers are together on a common cause. That’s not double talk. It has nothing to do with the level of faith; it has everything […]
Never Blindsided
Came across an interesting idea the other day: “We see what we are prepared to see.” Almost sounds like eastern mystical stuff, doesn’t it. It isn’t. It is actually ancient near eastern. You find it scattered all through the Word… David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. Jesus, Paul, John, echo the same thought. I am […]
Morning visitor
I’m beginning to believe that someone snuck into my house and replaced my Bible with a different one. The more I read it, the more I seem to find I’ve never read it before! Here’s what I found this morning in Job 7:17-18: What is man, that you make so much of him, and that […]
Sunday Ruminations
From the standpoint of days, today was a beautiful one, not too hot, sunny, nice breeze. One of the perks of living in a coastal town, I suppose. I continue to be shocked at how important and difficult forgiveness is. People are suffering incredibly because they refuse to extend it AND find themselves thinking they […]
Rogue wanderer
As a kid, one of my favorite tv shows was “The Rebel” (all you youngsters out there are going to have no clue there was ever such a show… it ran from 1959 to 1961… and you weren’t even born yet, or were still having your diapers changed!) It featured the main character, Johnny Yuma, as […]