Just read Perry Noble’s blog (11/26/06) and I’m in complete agreement with his sentiments on Christmas music — I hate it!
Two weeks before Christmas is fine. Anything before that really gets my goat!
Oxymoronically, some of the music I like best is Christmas music. It conjures up really nice memories of the past and the content/message is mind-blowing (God becomes man to save His creation — don’t get much better than that) but I think we ought to do “Christmas” music throughout the year, not just in December.
Silent Night is a perfect worship song; but, we only hear it for a few weeks in December and even then it is bastardized to become background mood music to make you buy more crap that you can’t afford and no one wants anyway.
How about Little Drummer Boy? Brings tears to my eyes because of its message and it would go great in a worship service in May or August. But some unwritten (and dare I say, “stupid,”) religious politically correct law states we can only sing it in December.
Away in a Manger, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Holy Night, Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful, and even the historically and biblically incorrect We Three Kings of Orient Are — dynamic expressions of faith and praise to the King. Yet, they lie unused and castrated for the entire year. Drug out only at “Christmas.” As out of place sung in July as going to work naked.
What is wrong with us?
Me? I know I’m crazy and anti-Christmas — not the “Christmas” of the Word, but the taunty, commericalized imitation — just ask my kids.