Interesting things happen when you do the unexpected.
Last Sunday, Lifepoint did what every mother tells her child in church NOT to do. We wrote on the chair. With black permanent markers. All of them.
And we didn’t get in trouble.
Why in the world would we do such a thing?
Because our Dad is letting us run wild in His house!
He said go out, find them and bring them in. We took names (actually, we wrote them on the back of the chairs) and kicked tail (actually, we went out and invited them to come). The really neat part is that they came!
People were telling me yesterday, “The people whose names I wrote on the chair came!” Another told me, “You aren’t going to believe this, but one of the people who I wrote his name on a chair came…and he brought a friend!” Another, with tears in her eyes simply said, “They’re here.”
Pastor Jeff said six more entered the Kingdom yesterday.
Is that cool, or what?!
The most interesting thing is that we haven’t seen anything yet. It’s amazing what happens when black ink, white chairs, broken-hearted prayer for the lost are stirred together and baked in intense love for several weeks. I hope we are ready…