I’ve been mulling over what I read today . . .
I took a class in my undergraduate years on the book of Leviticus many years ago (I sincerely find it almost impossible to believe that the class took place more than 30 years ago!). Professor Roland must have been born a few years after Noah got off the ark; he was so old that his birth certificate had expired. The only reason I mention his age is to use it as an excuse for why the class was so boring. It had to have been; there is no way for any subject, even Leviticus, to be so boring that it hurt the brain!
I got nothing out of the class except two things: the book was boring and God was protecting us from illness by dictating so many things that we shouldn’t eat or do. That impression was so strong that it stuck with me for three decades and I avoided the book, pardon the pun, like the plague. Even over the last several years as I’ve read through the Word, as I would finish up Exodus and all the intricate details began, I would start going brain numb and give lots and lots of attention to the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs passages, skimming through Leviticus and Numbers. And I have an advanced, post-graduate degree in Old Testament studies!
So, I’m not sure what has happened this year. All of a sudden (“all of a sudden?” it’s been almost 34 years!), the book has come alive. I can’t put it down; I actually won’t let myself read ahead. My One Year Bible is bleeding blue and green ink. Go figure.
I say that to say this, confess it if you would, I’m holding out on you. My “mulling” is quite interesting and is taking me boldly where I’ve not gone before. But I’m only letting some of the overflow “go over the dam.” Too much vocalizing of my mulling might become like Professor Roland’s class, and I’m not willing to do that to anyone!