Ever been to a boring church?
Kinda sucky, isn’t it?
If you like boring, you’d best not show up at the Gospel for Brazil church in Ubaúna, Brazil. These folks are rockin’! They do not know what it means to behave in a “dignified” manner. They go all out, just like folks at a big ballgame! A hootin’ and a hollerin’, why you’d think they’re having a grand ol’ time.
This church hardly has two pennies to rub together. But that didn’t stop them from saving their tithes and offerings to be able to purchase an electric guitar and a drum set.
There are two things that are significant about that statement. First, in order to purchase these items, there was REAL sacrificial giving taking place. We’re talking about folks whose ANNUAL income doesn’t even reach $1,000; yes, I said “annual,” not monthly. Second, isn’t it interesting that the first thing they wanted to purchase were tools that would help them worship Jesus more intensely?
Even the kids got in on the action. Not about to be left behind, they are some of the most vocal and active worshipers in the church. There’s nothing that warms the cockles of this ol’ heart than to see these little tykes get wound up and then turned loose praising Jesus.
Maybe I’d better get down there and straighten them out.