How do you go about trying to describe what happens to you over a week that is typical? It really is more difficult than you think. How do you go about describing a week that has just blown your socks off? It presents quite a dilemma, I can tell you.
I’m choosing to give you snippits, little insights to events that happened.
Our number one goal was to support the planting of the church in Ubaúna. We planned to work with the childred living in extreme poverty, work with the children in general, encourage existing Jesus followers and present an interesting evangelistic event every night.
We did it all!
Some simple numbers:
- Conversions — 60+
- Baptisms — 19 (both of these numbers need to be tallied and I do not have them available at the moment as I’m flying over the Atlantic Ocean)
- Children attending Bible classes — 250+ each day
- Teenagers attending youth activities — 40+ each day
- Nightly average attendance at evangelistic events — 153
- People specifically requesting healing prayer — 69
- Children receiving a “food basket” that would guarantee a meal a day for 10 days — 126
- Pounds of beans, rice and powdered milk given away — 1 ton
- Macumba temples visited — 1
- Cemetaries entered at midnight and prayed against — 1
- Spirits cast out — 1 (this will be a story in itself)
- Macumba mediums (“pastors”) directly, and knowingly, encountered — 3
- Number of bottles of water consumed in 4 days — 169
The numbers give interesting insight on our activities, do they not?