Ever try to listen to God instead of talking at Him?
It’s really quite hard. I know that sounds silly. But, we really don’t do a good job in general in listening. So why should it be so surprising that we don’t listen very well when it comes to God?
I’ve spent some energy recently trying to listen. No talking. Just listening.
I never knew my head was so full of noise. Thoughts coming at me from every direction. Weird stuff. If you’ve ever tried to herd cats (or chickens), then you would have an idea of how crazy it is. Makes you wish you could get a gun and shoot the wild things dead!
Once you finally quiet down all the racket (took me a couple of days), it’s interesting to hear what He has to say. Be still, and know that I am God! (Psalms 46:10); Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act (Psalms 37:7); Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling (Zechariah 2:13).