I had an interesting experience recently.
While listening to what I’d politely call a “little ol’ lady” preach, the Lord started up a conversation with me. It went something like this:
“So, you don’t think she’s capable of being used my Me, do you?”
“Why would you say that?” I protested.
“I can read your thoughts, you know.”
“Yeah,” I whined.
“Well, since you don’t think I can use her, what would you like her to do to prove to you that I am?” he asked.
“Whoa, Lord! I’m not wanting to test you on anything. If you say she is, that’s good enough for me!”
“Joe, cut the crap. What do you want to know? How do you want me to show you what’s actually going down here?”
“Ok, then, I’d like her to tell me something definitively that only I know and in a manner that is so straight forward that she couldn’t hit it by being broadly generic.”
“Done. What else?”
“Um, could she take away the arthritis in my ankle?”
“Sure, anything else?”
“No sir. That would work just fine.”
(to be continued…)