I’m getting my little, neat religious world rocked back on it’s heels these days. Many years ago, so many that it actually startles me, when I was in graduate school, I remember being overwhelmed at the material I was discovering. My tidy little world view was smashed into thousands of pieces as I was exposed […]
Hot wired
Ezekiel continues to be an intriguing read. I’m forcing myself to go slowly. I’m amazed at the divine communication; are we missing something today?
One point for the unChristian
A friend of mine who has a prolific, and interesting blog, had an article by a reporter detailing why he’s not a Christian. My buddy, Polycarp (don’t you love that! I wish I’d named my son that!) touches simply on one aspect of the article’s many forays into the slaying of Christianity and it’s holy […]
Burn baby, burn! (don’t forget the marshmellows)
Hey, ya’ll come on down to North Carolina! We’s open-minded folks and just loves a good cookout… A Baptist Church near Asheville, N.C., is hosting a “Halloween book burning” to purge the area of “Satan’s” works, which include all non-King James versions of the Bible, popular books by many religious authors and even country music. […]
Would someone get the door?
How long can you simply accept the way things are and do nothing about it? Specifically speaking, things with your spirituality. Sounds kinda dorky, doesn’t it? But, you know what I’m talking about. Most of us are only socially spiritual — do the right things, say the right things… when other Christians are around. If […]