I sat with a group of men yesterday morning. We talked. We prayed. We burned… John Wesley said: “I just set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” That was the sentiment wafting around the room yesterday. What do we have to do to set ourselves on fire? If God is about […]
1 + 1 = 2 except when a 1 = 0
Some of the most powerful times I’ve experienced are when two Jesus followers are together on a common cause. Some of the least satisfying times I’ve experienced are when two Jesus followers are together on a common cause. That’s not double talk. It has nothing to do with the level of faith; it has everything […]
Morning visitor
I’m beginning to believe that someone snuck into my house and replaced my Bible with a different one. The more I read it, the more I seem to find I’ve never read it before! Here’s what I found this morning in Job 7:17-18: What is man, that you make so much of him, and that […]
Walking on Water
Ever read the passage about Peter walking on the water? Of course you have! Did you realize that in the other two accounts of the same story (Mark 6 and John 6) that Peter hopping out of the boat and taking a stroll isn’t mentioned? I was amazed to discover that Jesus hadn’t even intended […]
The Stone Slinger
I just reread the story of David and Goliath. I think somebody (or Someone) changed the story around! I am astounded at what I just read… David didn’t go looking for a fight or a giant, and he found both David actually found a giant while looking for fame and fortune Saul was either: […]