You’re gonna love this… I was reading an article this morning titled “JEDP and Jesus.” It was about Jesus’ possible misuse or misquote of Exodus 20:12 in Mark 7:10. The “JEDP” is a part of the documentary hypothesis put forth by Julius Wellhausen in 1883 in his Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels (you’ve just got to […]
Colossians 3 wordled again
What’s a “wordled?” Check this out…
Wordle: Colossians 3:1-4
Rollin’ around in smelly stuff
I’ve been rolling around in Colossians 2 and 3 this week. The image I see of myself is like a dog rolling around in something that really excites his senses and he wants to make it his. Yeah, I know… the analogy doesn’t work really well, but forget the smelly part and just imagine the […]
And God created Noah…
Sounds like some classes I’ve been in!