You’re going to either love it or hate it!
What does the Lone Ranger look like without his mask?
Ever thought about the life that Tonto must have lived? Day in and day out, for year after year, he rode with Kimosabe as a loyal sidekick. But did the Lone Ranger ever take his mask off? Would Tonto recognize him if he ran into him downtown when he was off duty? Or did the […]
Fools I have plenty of
I sometimes am amazed at how stupid people can be. Honestly. We all know of the antics of stupid crooks, stupid employees and stupid officials. What most amazes me is the stupidity of people who care about you, or at least claim to care about you. They do things that they think will help you […]
Riskless faith or faithless risk?
I was in Mark 9:14-29 early this morning. Jesus got really bent out of shape at his primary followers because they didn’t have faith. This is the same crew that had previously been out on healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the day type of excursions. Here, they can’t help this boy and sensei […]
Einstein: Bible Is ‘Primitive, Pretty Childish’
Gotta agree with the brainiac. In a note that is being put up for auction, written the year before his death, Einstein dismissed the Bible as “pretty childish.” His more complete musing was that “the word [of] God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection […]