Finished up the book of Jeremiah this morning. I scanned back through it quickly, noting some of the different things I’d marked: 1:7 – “you must go wherever I send you” 4:3 – “Plow up the hard ground of your hearts!” 8:22 – “Is there no medicine in Gilead?” 10:24 – “correct me, Lord, but […]
Late night phone calls
Don’t you hate it when the phone rings at night when you’ve gone to bed? You always think the worst. Happened last night. A friend is in a bad place healthwise. I’m going to see him today This is what came to mind early this morning: Let all that I am wait quietly before God, […]
Dynamic duo
Friendship. I’ve mentioned the statement I heard years ago that if you die having ten good friends that you’ve led a full life. I’m still working on the “10” number, but I’ve managed to fill a couple of the spots. Though I still have a ways to go to complete the full compliment of true […]
Topsy Turvey
One of my favorite passages is found in Acts 17:6 where Paul and Silas have been preaching in Thessalonica and the result was that a great many of the devout Greeks and not a few of the leading women became Christians. The religious leaders were so upset that they wanted to lynch the two preachers. As […]
Making it difficult
Why is it that we always want to make the easy difficult? This morning I was reading this. Last night I was reading this. I was reminded that the ease of becoming a Christian has been made remarkably difficult by the American church. Shame on us for turning the free gift of God into an […]