…you have filled all Jerusalem with your teaching about him. —Acts5:28 Ever sat down and pondered this whole “preaching the gospel” thing? I’ll admit that I never really have. Until last night. On the phone with a pastor from Brasília who I was told had an interest in working as an evangelist in Ubaúna, […]
Learning from other’s misfortunes
The reading in 2 Samuel continues to be an eye-opener for me. I find it absolutely fascinating that this isn’t the first time I’ve read this narration; in fact, these records are some of the parts of the Bible I’ve read more than any other. Today found me in 2 Samuel 17 with Absalom getting […]
Hushai the Arkite
Let me introduce you to a new acquaintance: Hushai the Arkite. Mind you, I think it is a tough name to lay on a child and it isn’t exactly the easiest name for a westerner to pronounce. But you have to like this guy. You’ll find him in 2 Samuel 15. Here’s the scenario when […]
Everybody’s looking…
Today seems to be my day for answering the proverbial $64,000 question: How do I know what God wants me to do? The blog earlier today was simply a springboard — it had me thinking along those lines at the crack of dawn and it has been posed to me by no fewer than four folks. […]
The Strength of Conviction
Interesting story I came across this morning. King David has just gotten word that his son Absalom is in full revolt against him. Absalom has declared himself king in the very place that David was declared king, he has been scheming behind his father’s back for four years to win the people’s loyalty. He has […]