I see a lot of people on Tuesdays. Rarely are they social visits. Many of them have a serious health challenge they are facing. I find it interesting that I am in position that puts me in contact with them. Sure, it’s what I do, but I suppose I never envisioned myself dealing with people […]
Magical prayers
Had an interesting conversation this morning with a quadriplegic who has been confined to a wheelchair for 15+ years. Let me clarify that. She is totally paralyzed, cannot speak, can’t even move her head. Her eyes are all that move. But they speak volumes. Denise wants to be able to walk and talk again. Desperately. When […]
A new perspective on murder / Uma nova perspectiva de assassinato
ENGLISH My Bible reading today had me in Numbers 35:30-34. Interesting take on murder . . . All murderers must be executed… No one may be put to death on the testimony of only one witness… Murderers must always be put to death… Murder pollutes the land… Could it be that a part of the […]
Gulp! Swallow, belch…
Beginning around Numbers 11 and going forward, you see some really interesting perspectives on human nature. If you’ve been doing any reading since the end of Genesis through this part of Numbers, one of the things that has stood out is how stupid the Israelites are. It is as though someone walked around hitting every […]
Sperm, scapegoats, traditions and thought-life, part 2
Yesterday I had an extended chat with a gentlemen who finds himself in a predicament. A “simple deacon” (his words) in a Baptist church, he was thrown into a morass that is so horrendous that it is affecting his health. The chairman of the deacons was caught in a child pornography sting two weeks ago […]