I guess as long as I’m reading I’ll be commenting. It’s almost like an addiction. Today was one of those really ‘interesting’ reads because it seemed so, well, boring, at least at first glance. All this incredibly intricate detail about how the Tabernacle was to be constructed. <sigh> All of a sudden it dawned on […]
The Bezalel Quotient
You’ve got more going for you than you think. I see a constant parade of folks who do not believe that. They assume the contrary and believe they have proof to back it up. Often, they are quite resilient to my attempts at convincing them otherwise, absolutely assured that their senses confirm the contrary. You […]
Meanwhile, up on the mountain. . .
Now they’ve gone and done it! Aaron, taking in the situation, built an altar before the calf. Aaron then announced, “Tomorrow is a feast day to God!” Early the next morning, the people got up and offered Whole-Burnt-Offerings and brought Peace-Offerings. The people sat down to eat and drink and then began to party. It turned into […]
Out damn spot! Or, the Israelites have gone and done it now
Dang! Ever get hold of a good book and just can’t put it down? If any of you are tracking with me, to some extent I must apologize. I’m stuck in Exodus and don’t want to leave! I’m absolutely astounded at some of the stuff I’m discovering again for the first time. Why, it’s almost […]
Taking a bath before going to church
Sometimes it seems that God gets just a little bit radical . . . Take his instruction for Aaron and his sons to wash before going to church (entering the Tabernacle) in Exodus 30:17-21 as an example. God tells them if they don’t wash they will die. Now, I don’t know about you, but I […]