The Israelites were puzzled when they saw it. “What is it?” they asked each other. They had no idea what it was. —Exodus 16:15 I’m glad I wasn’t Moses. I would have snuck off when the Israelites weren’t looking, gone back to my father-in-law’s house, and let them die in the desert. Dang! Talk about […]
One hot mama!
You’ve heard of Peyton Place, Dallas and Desperate Housewives, right? Wild things happening. Stuff we laugh about, saying it isn’t reality. How about the 90 year old wife of a foreign dignitary being taken as the wife of a President of another country. Not for show, but for sex! And, her husband encouraging this activity so […]
The reason behind it all
Ever wonder why what is going on in Iraq, and the middle east, is going on? Take a peek at Genesis 16. This is THE reason, the historical beginning, of the conflict.
Did you know . . .
It was believed by ancient Hindus that the world was a sphere and rested on the back of four elephants, which stood on a turtle. The Bible has been translated into Klingon. Amish people do not believe in the use of aerosal air freshners. The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the US. In […]
Failure to launch
Remember the story of Abraham? Called by God to leave home and go to somewhere he didn’t know, he becames the archtypical hero upon which an entire nation is founded and is lauded as the prototype of true belief. But, was that the original plan? Abram, as he was named by his father, was the […]