I like WordPress. Always have. At the turn of the century when I first started blogging (that sounds like a really long time ago, doesn’t it?), there were a plethora of platforms and I tried them all. WordPress always, for me, was the most “natural” and therefore my choice. Now, having given the disclaimer, let me […]
Like yesterday… gone
If you’re looking for me here, all you will find are vestiges of the past. As of December 6, 2009, I’m now frolicking at my new location: www.joecarr.us. Come join me in the present!
Black Friday
Drats! I meant to be up at 3:00 a.m. to make the 4:00 a.m. Black Friday opening of the stores this morning. Now my whole Christmas is ruined… Not!
This space has served me well. Having no clue what the word “blog” even meant three years and over 1200 posts ago, WordPress has made it extremely easy to delve into the wonders of online thought-casting. I’ve known for a while that I needed to graduate to a more robust platform but have delayed doing […]
Confused or Bewildered?
In looking at my statistics today, I saw that one of the primary search terms on Google that bring folks to this site is “bewildered.” I think that’s rather appropriate.