Maybe I should at least occasionally put in a random post when I seemingly “go dark” for no particular reason. Thank you for being so concerned! Just incredibly busy to the point of being overwhelmed from waking til sleeping. I see light at the end of the tunnel. As always, I’ve got lots to say, […]
What Jesus meant to say…
I was toying with a topic the other day when a blog that I follow popped up that had already dealt with the same issue. Joey Shaw over at (good blog Joey! Go check him out!) posted “5 Common Great Commission Myths.” While I’m not going to reproduce it here (though it is a […]
Who’s following YOU on Twitter?
I must be putting out some really interesting stuff on Twitter!
Jesus, Twitter and the Devil
Isn’t the explosion of social media entertaining! Just in case you didn’t notice, that was an exclamation, not a question. Why is it that we give all the good stuff to the bad guys? If we come from a church background, everything has to have some rule, regulation or negative connotation attached to it. The […]
Old jackass
The brain is definitely tired today. I just referred to myself as an “old jackass” in a text message. Better yet I included my buddy Heino Chemist under the same blanket and my pastor‘s dad as well. Perhaps I should call it a day before my queen decides she likes the term and applies it […]