Ever been so busy that you leave the house using the same underwear you’d used the day before? You feel rather sheepish when it dawns on you (and, yes, I’ve done that!). That’s what I feel like at the moment. I’ve got more thoughts in draft form for blogs than I have finished pieces. I […]
Would Jesus Twitter?
I’m getting old. Seriously old. I remember when the Commodore 64 was the hottest thing on the planet and was deliciously excited when I built an interface that allowed me to write directly to a cassette disk to store my “ruminations.” I paid as much for my first C64 as I did myMacbook! I’ve been […]
Today must be Thursday. XXXXXXXI never really got the hang of Thursdays.
(a) Grand!
Ok, it’s probably not a big deal to you, but, to me it is! 1,000 posts to this crazy little blog! With this little announcement I’m now at 1,001 blog posts. I’m still in amazement… where did all those words come from?
You never really know why certain things happen in blogland. You’re cruising along, words aflowing, numbers consistent, then BAM! Out of the blue everything falls apart and your numbers drop like a rock. Makes you wonder if you said something so stupid that folks decided not to read you again. (But I always say things […]