Sometimes things become such a part of you that it is difficult to see things from a different and objective perspective. Sometimes this subjective vision of your world is distorted (e.g., “I am the most handsome man on the face of the earth”), sometimes it can be right on (e.g., “My wife is the best!”), […]
Sunday Ruminations
From the standpoint of days, today was a beautiful one, not too hot, sunny, nice breeze. One of the perks of living in a coastal town, I suppose. I continue to be shocked at how important and difficult forgiveness is. People are suffering incredibly because they refuse to extend it AND find themselves thinking they […]
Black is back
Going to Ubaúna used to mean that we went “dark,” out of communication with the outside world while there, especially where the internet is concerned. Last summer, the internet made its way into the boonies and Ubaúna actually came into the 21st century with real, live internet connection. Unfortunately, it seems to have been short […]
In case you’re wondering…
Several folks have asked me on which blog I’ll be reporting on our adventures in Ubaúna. Since more eyes see this blog than the Gospel for Brazil blog, I’ve decided to update our adventures here. Thanks for wondering!
Monkey Solo = Chocolate
I’ll close my day out with this one — watch it til the end!