Don’t you just hate people who quote or refer to other people’s blogs? Me too! Speaking of which, you gotta check these two out! 🙂 Perry Noble – “Open Doors and Unwise Statements“ Vince Antonucci — “Spiritual Heroin“ Next thing you know I’ll be quoting myself…
1000+ Perry Nobles
I’ve penned 3 different pieces over the months with Perry Noble’s name in the title. I’ve noticed that these tidbits have been continuously hit every single day by someone (really, a bunch of someones). Some days there are 10-20 hits on them, on strange days it may go over 50, but it is always, consistently […]
Showing off my underwear
It dawned on me that blogging, if you’re doing it as a reflection of your mental and emotional process, can be much like running around outside in your underwear. When I started this process 10 and a half months ago, I did it knowing that no one knew I would be writing it. That gave […]
Messing folks up
Sometimes I can really mess people up! 🙂 While I don’t always mean to do so, there are times when I really want to. One fellow that got a bad case of “Joeitis” recently is a friend of mine named Patrick. He made a serious mistake of treking down to Ubaúna with us last month […]
Being critical
Great post by Perry Noble today on criticism. I find that the more involved I become and the more vision I cast, the more people have an attitude about it. The more I pursue Jesus, the more it bothers folks. Interesting…