It is interesting to see the perceptions that people outside the U.S. have of what is occurring inside the U.S. Our new president is an excellent example. To hear folks in Brazil speak of him, Mr. Obama must walk on water, perform miracles and even raise the dead, at least of the economic kind. They […]
Hellhole part II: Reality
Though his power has been broken, Satan has effectively and efficiently convinced us humans, and especially those of us who claim to follow Jesus, otherwise. We willingly give him the power we’ve been given and he immediately puts it to use against us. As Americans we are blessed that we do not live in a […]
Dona Creusa needs some hair
Most women in Brazil who are married or out of their twenties are called “dona” as a means of respect. A rough translation would be the way we use the word “Miss” in the south — Miss Francis, Miss Mary, etc. Miss Creusa is an individual who carries quite a story. In the clutches of […]
Hellhole part I: A trip to hell
I’m made at hell. Not mad as hell, but mad at it. Perhaps you saw some of my tweets this past weekend and wondered, “What is wrong with that dude?” In the event you didn’t, I expressed an immediate reaction to walking into the worst slum I’ve ever been in while in Fortaleza, Brazil. Understand […]
Am I adopted?
Poverty is such a cruel taskmasters. Especially to children. Seed of Hope is trying to address the problem, teaming up American sponsors with Brazilian children. For $1 a day a sponsor can provide a child with a nutritional meal each day, clothing, rudimentary medical care, and educational assistance. They also get to meet Jesus. At […]