Every time I come to the desert of Brazil I come away amazed at what happens to my faith. It seems to take on a new vitality and becomes the proverbial “faith on steroids.” I begin to do things I wouldn’t typically do while at home, I boldly go where I otherwise wouldn’t simply because […]
The Snake That Came to Church
The house was packed out, the singing was active and the crowd was hot. It was at that moment that the snake decided to show up. I don’t know if snakes think anything like we do. If so, I can only image what must have been on his mind: “Wow! Listen to all that commotion! […]
Tough Choices
How do you choose who gets fed and who doesn’t? It’s not a theoretical question, it is very real. In Ubaúna we have 123 kids who have been sponsored through the Seed of Hope program. Through the support of $30 per month by Americans, they get a meal a day, clothing, rudimentary medical attention and […]
Shooting from the hip
When I’m on the ground in Ubaúna, activity is non-stop. From the time I wake until I finally collapse at night, my senses –and body– are going at full tilt. And now, more than ever, every single minute here is precious. I can almost hear a giant clock somewhere ticking off the minutes I have […]
Tales from the Grave
Last Saturday in Ubaúna we had a baptism service down at the lake. I always love these things! This time was no different. Almost 70 showed up to celebrate, kind of like tailgating without the food. What was especially gratifying was that by far the majority were adults. As each of the eight new believers […]