I have been involved in some form or other in Brazil for 32 years. There’s not much I haven’t seen or experienced. I have intentionally gone where the ugly exists. However, the thing that still always arrests my attention is the number of malformed and twisted limbs that you see everywhere. Little babies, old adults […]
I just love McDonalds!
I take back every negative thing I’ve ever said about McDonalds. At least here in Brazil. They make one of the best cappuccino’s, the best cheese breads and the best ham and cheese rolls I’ve ever put in my mouth. To borrow the catch phrase of another chain, it is “finger licking good.” What a […]
“Bof youse too white!”
Walking down the boardwalk at the beach last night, we were accosted by a gentleman selling lottery tickets. In the strangest accent he said, “Buy the ticket that will grant all your wishes!” Then, without missing a beat, he said, “you ain’t from ’round here, are ye?” I told him he had a really funny […]
I am old
Gospel for Brazil has a child sponsorship program called Seed of Hope in which folks can provide for the welfare of children living in extreme poverty in the interior of northeastern Brazil. One of the perks of the program is that the sponsor is able to send letters, cards and photos to their sponsored child […]