I don’t know why I’m astounded. God is big and diversified. That continuously astounds me. What I saw yesterday was simply one more proof of that. I told you we were going to see the tent/worship center of the Central Baptist Church (which isn’t a Baptist church and I don’t understand why they use the […]
Miss Piggy Flu Destroys Brazil!
Swine flu is obviously the means God is using to destroy the world. Stepped off the airplane yesterday in Recife and I threw my hands up in the air! There stood seven people, all in surgical masks; I thought we were being held up. All through the airport people had on masks. An announcement on […]
Tired and tapioca
I don’t sleep on airplanes. That makes for a tough day after flying all night. However, we arrived in Fortaleza in just enough time to be able to grab the breakfast buffet at the Hotel Beira Mar. The staff went gaga! Technically, it was closing when we arrived, but they kept it open for us, […]
Mixed feelings
So, it’s Sunday… I’m missing church today because XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI’m flying to Brazil today. Bummed about the former, excited about the latter. Funny how the two are tied together. XXXXXXXXInteresting how one affects the other. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXAmazing how both are orchestrated in unison. Sorry to not receive the blessing of one but excited that I will receive […]
Gingerbread man mentality
The most delicious time of a trip to Ubaúna (Brazil) is always two weeks prior to the actual trip. You are able to savor the upcoming adventure but don’t have to do anything. It is close enough to get excited but far enough away that the hassles involved in preparation haven’t kicked in. The most […]